So, you’re responsible for marketing to your customers to generate more business, but it’s not working very well. You only have time to run a single email campaign each month (maybe) and your email open rates average about 15 percent. It is also hard to quantify how much business you are generating. So, you try increasing the number of emails you send each month in hopes of increasing your effectiveness.
Sound familiar?
If your open rates average 15 percent, that means 85 percent of your customers are not seeing your message. There are many other digital ways to reach and influence your customers. Knowing this, it is important to leverage multiple digital channels because not all customers will respond to the same one. In fact, Gartner predicted that campaigns using four or more digital channels outperform other campaigns by 300 percent.
So, expanding the number of digital channels you use to reach your customers is imperative to improving your marketing effectiveness. However, the problem is that you don’t necessarily have the time nor the expertise to do this. Why? For each channel, you would have to learn a number of new software tools. You’d also have to maintain a number of contact databases, build additional content, set up and run campaigns and study the results.
Sounds exhausting, right? Yeah, so don’t try this at work! You’ll need the help of an expert to get it right.